It has been a while since I've posted here. Or since we had decent skiing conditions for Thanksgiving. Kirkwood opened up a few weeks early, to a powder weekend. I had headed up Sunday, expecting to do a few laps in bounds for good measure, soon get bored, and find myself hiking for something a little more exhilarating. And while we talked about it a few times, we never did bother putting skins on. While the open terrain was limited, it did ski very well. And the legal, low zone hikes were in full effect, with very few folks heading out to explore. Their loss. Our gain. That storm blew out Monday, and the evil east winds blew Tuesday, but by mid week, it was pretty nice in the valley. So I went back up with my son to knock out a lap or two on Chair 1.
First day of the season - get the jitters out. |
Doing a bokeh bum ride. |
Lunch breaks are important to keep you going. |
Red Cliffs with just a light coating. |
Top of Chair 6, with fresh snow falling. |
Enough on the road for some XC action. |
Always watching and waiting for this line to fill in. |
Not a bad Thanksgiving snow pack. |
Jim's zone was still thin, but looked fine on MLK. |
Backside of the Sisters getting stripped. Of snow. |
Pinner looking pinner. |
Cham zone. |
Winter arrived in November, and has yet to take a break. |
We ended up doing seven. Snow was good, the weather was better, and the little dude was stoked. We stopped twice to set up a bench and take a hot cider and snack break. Best part, is suddenly, he knows how to ski. We had a blast. And are planning our next boys trip next week, after these incoming storms. Chasing the powder. Anyway, this was all before Thanksgiving. The weather warmed up a bit, but not too much, and just before the holiday, a cold, Alaskan storm drove south down the coast. We had a foot of fluff by Wednesday morning. And it was holiday game on. Did I mention that it was cold.
Took a walk on Black Friday. |
Nothing like enjoying the sunrise from a ridge top. |
I love these peaks. |
And the colorful rocks. |
Looking back toward Kirkwood and Chair 10. |
Perfect driving. Fresh snow. Off the road. |
And when the sun comes up... |
Looking at the lines down to Silver Lake. |
And toward Desolation. |
Along the Spur. |
And into the valley. Perfect uncut cord. |
Roundtop and her Sisters. |
Holy cow, how the time passes. I started to write this perhaps a month ago. Anyway, it has been a great start to the season here in Tahoe. For a coastal dwelling stay at home dad, I can be happy of my seventeen days on snow. All with great conditions. A few strolls into the side country, and only one foray into the back country. And the riding has been the best it has been in years. These pics are mostly from November and December, so it is time to get them posted up. Hopefully I can get out on some real adventures in the coming month and have an actual trip report to post. Until then, get out there and enjoy this great snow fall. Perhaps I'll get something after this two footer that is on the way.
ONe of the few bluebird days yet this season. |
Chair 10, in the final days of 2015. |
Chair 6. |
The Wall, top of 6 and Cham. |
Chad taking the hard way out to the boundary line. |
It does not stay bluebird long these days. |
Time to get out of the resort, and earn some turns. |
Sunset run. |
Chad lays a slash. |
Getting close to dark. |
Silhouette hits. |
B takes flight. |
Creamy goodness down low. |
Good night. |
More snow is on the way. Almost been too good to stop and take pictures. Sunday looks like the sun will be out, so perhaps that will change.